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Major League Activation and the Neubie

"The Neubie® is NeuFit’s patented direct current (DC) electrical stimulation device. It is an acronym for “neuro-bio-electric stimulator” and is FDA-cleared. Using DC has several unique effects on patients including promoting and optimizing the healing of tissue, bone, muscle, connective tissue, and nerves. This is achieved through the activation of the nervous system and all of the healing processes it controls.

The process of healing and rehabilitation, detailed on our homepage, focuses on first identifying the “blocks” in the nervous system, and then resetting and re-educating those blocked or broken neuro pathways, and then finally breaking through to achieving results better, faster, and stronger than before.

For optimal rehabilitation and recovery, we designed and now train our practitioners and home care users on our best-practice methodology to best deliver care with the Neubie—referred to as our NeuFit® Method."

-Neufit website

If interested in learning more about the Neubie head over to NeuFit | Treat, Recover & Train with NeuFit's Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for additional information, white papers, and case studies!!

Want to learn more about how Matt utilizes the Neubie during a treatment session feel free to reach out to and set up a call!